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What Makes Us Different?

We don't make clients settle their debt, we help them manage their cash flow better! The overall goal of this program is to let the client access first position terms and rates in less than 5 months!


We do this in 4 easy steps! 

Step 1. Completed Consolidation Package:


  • Application

  • 3 Months Business Bank Statements

  • Official Debt Sheet We Provide


Step 2. We analyze the client's cash flow with the current payments,  and strategically come up with a solution with our revolutionary consolidation product.

1st position


Balance: $21,706

Original Term:

6 Months

126 Payments

2nd position




Original Term:

4 Months

88 Payments

3rd Position


Total Balance:


Original Term:

3 Months

66 Payments

Total Balance Between 2nd & 3rd Position


Total Cash Flow Taken Weekly Between 2nd & 3rd Position


Step 3.


We will "consolidate" the positions that are above the 1st! We will be doing this by covering their weekly cash flow for the payments by Ach each Friday. In this case, we would send $1,945 each Friday into the account. New Terms are below:

  • Advance: $17,183

  • Payback: $22,681.56

  • Daily Payment:$226.82

  • Term (# of Payments):100

Total Cash Flow Saved Weekly:

$810.90 or 41%

New Advance Contract

Step 4. We clean up cash flow while waiting for the advances to drop off. Once the client drops off the positions we consolidate, as long as business stays the same, we can access first position terms again!

It's That Simple!

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